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Vital veggies

Author: admin

Are the grandkids driving you nuts lounging against the walls and peering into their smartphones? Is your best friend behaving in ways you’d never thought possible? Is anxiety your default state of being? Well, according to researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder in the US, eating right could help you achieve a more Zen state of mind! Their study suggests a link between overall stress levels and gut bacteria and recommends a diet rich in onions, leeks and artichokes. These vegetables boost gut health by aiding the growth of beneficial bugs; the metabolic byproducts released by these vegetables influence the brain and help overcome anxiety and fear. High in probiotics (dietary fibres that act as food for good bacteria), these vegetables relieve stress and promote optimal brain health. The findings were published in journal Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience.

Featured in Harmony — Celebrate Age Magazine
April 2017