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The power of belief

Author: admin

When life’s a pain in the, well, back, use the power of belief to feel better—medical researchers suggest that you will. A study at Harvard Medical School used the power of belief to ease physical pain and came up with some pretty surprising results. They found that patients who took a placebo, or a ‘fake pill’, along with traditional treatment, showed significant pain relief—even when they knew the pills were mere placebos. Patients were divided into two groups: those who only received traditional treatment and those who were also given a placebo with their knowledge. After three weeks, the ‘placebo group’ experienced a 30-per-cent reduction in lower back pain levels while the other group reported a 9 and 16-per-cent drop in their usual and maximum pain levels, respectively. A 29-per-cent drop in pain-related disability was also seen in the placebo group. Researchers believe the placebo worked, because these patients believed they were receiving special attention and were surrounded by symbols of healthcare. The study was published in journal Pain.

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Featured in Harmony — Celebrate Age Magazine
December 2016