Narendra Kumar Ahmed’s eponymous line—launched in 2000—set a benchmark in menswear at a time when fashion was still associated with women’s wear. With his accent on modern cuts, silhouettes and handcrafted detailing, Kumar was featured in leading men’s fashion magazine Esquire’s prestigious Big Black Book of Style. Kumar, who styled Amitabh Bachchan during the last season of TV show Kaun Banega Crorepati, feels there are no golden rules when it comes to a personal style statement, and that silver years afford you the freedom to experiment with new ideas and looks.
Should age be a factor in how one dresses?
I feel clothes speak volumes about a person. As Malcolm Gladwell says in his book Blink, it contributes to sizing up a person in seconds. I don’t think age should define what you wear. Earlier, people used to think they had to dress differently once they crossed 50. Not anymore. Times have changed. Today, dressing is more for the mind than body. India is going through change; it’s more about the spirit of youthfulness and ‘can do’. You can be 55 and still youthful!
Can you suggest modifications that can flatter a man’s style as he matures?
You may like to keep it a lot more easy and controlled by steering away from cuffed jeans, prints, and T-shirts with controversial graphics and slogans. Solid bright colours will help reflect energy and youthfulness. Polos, T-shirts, bright-coloured shirts, and linen are refined choices that go well with age. The stress should be on refined clothing, whether it is something as casual as polos or T-shirts or formal shirts. Smart tailoring can accentuate your body. Though these are the general rules, there are those who wear what is in trend. Ultimately, it’s all about personal choices, keeping in mind one’s body type, style and confidence.
How should one accessorise?
Accessories offer immense possibilities and add a different dimension. One can experiment with new looks, using specs, shades, bags, belts, cufflinks, watches and shoes. And as far as gadgets go, the smarter the better!
What are your wardrobe recommendations for silvers on different occasions?
Daytime casual: Cotton chinos with jacket and T-shirt
Lunch with friends: Polo neck and linen jacket
Formal evening out: Tuxedo with jeans and a nice shirt
—Srirekha Pillai
Photo courtesy: Narendra Kumar Ahmed Featured in Harmony — Celebrate Age Magazine June 2016
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