

Presenting Harmony's silvers - sparkling lives, success stories, accounts of endurance, courage, grit and passion
  • Speak

    P D Ravindra, 77, runs a science museum for children in Bengaluru. Walking into the two-storey Amma Saraswati Loka in….

  • Eyes to the world

    When I was a child, my father used to tell me that God whispers the purpose of one’s life on….


    Northeast bound

    Adventures of the natural kind in the foothills of the Himalaya I was invited to attend the platinum jubilee of….

  • Soul food

    Saraswati Govindarajan, 76, Hyderabad. If there’s anything I have learnt from the challenges life has tossed at me, it is….

  • Return from the abyss

    For all of March 2016, I felt my vision wasn’t quite all right in my left eye but the eye….

  • Charting her own course

    Over the past 5,000 years, India has crafted many a fascinating story on its 7,500-km coastline. From the world’s first….