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Legacy of love

Author: admin

A sentimentalist may like to quote author Alex Haley when he said grandparents sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children. A satirist may prefer the words of humorist Sam Levenson who insisted the reason grandchildren and grandparents get along so well is that they have a common enemy! And a realist may point to recent research establishing that a high level of grandparental involvement increases the well-being of children, while boosting the life expectancy and brain health of the grandparents themselves.

However, as Indians, we probably don’t need studies, witticisms or fanciful words to tell us this—we know it instinctively, an understanding that is not just wired in our DNA but reinforced through our rich cultural and familial traditions. While traditionally grandparents have been repositories of wisdom and care, confidants, companions and problem-solvers, today we also see somewhat of a role reversal, with many grandchildren turning teachers and tech gurus to their elders, helping them navigate an increasingly digital world.

It is indeed a special bond. And this month, on the occasion of Grandparents’ Day on 10 September, we honour this bond by sharing some special stories from grandchildren across the country on the bequests received from their beloved grandparents—tangible objects that give rise to a host of intangible emotions, a skein of memory that binds us to our roots, a true legacy of love.

Contributed by Natasha Rego, Sahil Jaswal, Rachna Virdi, Rajashree Balaram, Shyamola Khanna & Dr Tapati Baruah Kashyap

Featured in Harmony — Celebrate Age Magazine
September 2017